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How-To Party with Memwah: How your videos can amp up a celebration

We have persevered through lock downs, and remote working, and digital hangouts. And lordy, has the ability to create video messages full of love for people been a welcome addition to special occasions celebrated at a distance! But now that we’re all re-joining the world of in-person partying, it’s worth noting that video pieces can still add an additional layer of fun! Here are just a few ways that a well-made video message using Memwah can contribute to your celebrations…

Staying in contact with family who live far away

Do you have a bunch of cousins in Germany that you wish you knew a little better? Surely your best mate in Chicago has some stories to tell about his new family over the past 12 months? 
List some questions and exchange Memwah Christmas videos this festive season. Here are some of our suggested questions…
·       What was the biggest highlight of your year?
·       Tell us one particularly funny moment from the year.
·       How will you be spending Christmas?
·       What are your big plans for 2022?
·       Share your favourite words of wisdom.

Embarrassing the birthday boy or girl

Who doesn’t love doing this? Inevitably there will be people who can’t make it to a birthday party. If that’s the case, set up a Memwah Tribute Video in advance and play it at the party! We anticipate plenty of laughs, some red faces and maybe even a few happy tears! 
·       How did you meet the birthday boy / girl?
·       What’s your most embarrassing story together?
·       What is your favourite memory together?
·       What is their most annoying trait?
·       What is their best trait?
·       Give us your personal birthday message for them

Games time at the Hen’s Party

If there’s one thing you can guarantee at Hen’s celebration, it’s game time! And the quiz is always a winner for the competitive party-goers. For an extra fun factor, list your quiz questions and send them to the groom in a Memwah Love Story Video. When it’s time to check everyone’s answers, you’ll get them straight from the source!
·       How did the two of you meet?
·       Who made the first move?
·       Where was your first date?
·       What is your favourite part of their body?
·       Who is the most stubborn?
·       Who is the bigger romantic?
·       Who is the best cook?
·       Who is the bigger stress-head?
·       Who makes the worst jokes?
Keen to enhance your next celebration with video storytelling? We can help you there. Check out what Memwah is all about here.

Ready to record your story?

Video storytelling was never that easy. Add as many questions as you want and start telling your story now.

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Tammie Winward

Tammie Winward

Founder, Memwah

Is on a mission to let people know they matter. She firmly believes that every story deserves to be heard and is dedicated to ensuring that no tale goes untold.